Prof. Jonathan M. Borwein of the University of Newcastle in Australia (one of the present bloggers) will participate in a panel discussion at the World Science Festival, to be held on 3 Jun 2011 7:00pm in the Tishman Auditorium at the New School, 66 W 12th Street, New York City, USA. Other panelists are Keith Devlin (the “Math Guy” on National Public Radio and author of 30 books), Marcus du Sautoy (mathematician, author and BBC commentator) and Simon Singh (physicist, author and BBC TV producer). Tickets and other information are available at WSF website.
Here is a synopsis of the discussion:
Mathematical mysteries have challenged humanity’s most powerful thinkers and inspired passionate, lifelong obsessions in search of answers. From the strangeness of prime numbers and the nature of infinity, to the turbulent flow of fluids and the geometry of hyperspace, mathematics is our most potent tool for revealing immutable truths. Join a vibrant tour to the boundaries of the mathematical universe, and explore the deep puzzles that have been solved, the masterminds who powered the breakthroughs, and the towering challenges that have shaken the confidence of some of today’s most accomplished mathematicians — even as they enlist new ways to pursue mathematical truths.