A Museum of Mathematics is slated to open in New York City in the fall of 2012.
This organization was formed in 2009 by Glen Whitney, formerly the algorithm manager for the $15 billion hedge fund firm Renaissance Technologies. Renaissance was founded by James Simons, who, like Whitney, was previously a professor of mathematics at the University of Michigan. As of April 2011, the museum has raised $22 million from various donors, including $2 million from Google.
When it opens, the “MoMath” museum will feature exhibits that “stimulate inquiry, spark curiosity, and reveal the wonders of mathematics,” according to the MoMath website. One proposed exhibit is the Ring of Fire, with a laser cylinder that reveals hidden shapes within a ring. Exhibits will principally target children, although public lectures and other programs will also be sponsored. Initially these lectures will be held at other venues. Among the upcoming events is a lecture by Paul Hoffman, author of “The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos” (4 May 2011). See the MoMath website for details.
Additional information is available at:
MoMath Museum website
HedgeFund.Net article
Crain’s New York Business article